Fog bank pink at tramp harbor dockWelcome!

One of the ways we begin healing our lives is to speak up and let our voices and our stories be heard.  We give ourselves a voice by sharing our stories and allowing others to see and hear us.  Speaking our truth and sharing our common and uncommon stories can be profoundly moving, unifying, and healing. By healing, I don’t mean curing, however.  It is not always possible to “cure” the situations that life leads us through. But when we tell our own stories and allow others to witness them, we may find a way to transform ourselves despite our circumstances.

Sharing our stories allows us to gain insight about ourselves and the characters in our life. This can help us to make peace with ourselves and our family, or find the courage and the words we need to move forward in grace.

The other essential part of sharing stories is to listen attentively, without criticism, praise, or judgment. By listening and being heard, healing can take place on many levels, and through different stages. As a playwright, I have seen these transformations evolve on the stage, but sharing our stories can also be done in quiet circles of dignity and respect, with two or three witnesses.

What does your heart need to say? What is your story?
