Here it is very wet.
It is the wettest December on record in the Pacific Northwest.
It follows one of the driest summers we have ever had.
We are certainly grateful for the water– for the rains.
And I have to say– we are certainly weary of them, too!
For about two weeks now, we have been trying to prevent water from seeping into our basement.
It doesn’t always work.
We have been digging ditches and drains,
we have used a shop vacuum which is missing one wheel
and we have sopped up water with towels and rags.
The dehumidifier is humming, and right now everything seems dry….
Meaning that the latest trench I dug yesterday might have done the trick.
Or maybe it just hasn’t rained much in last few hours!

Yet with all this water and chaos we have had an abundance of joy as well.
We have celebrated a one year old’s birthday,
we have cut snowflakes to put onto the windows
we have baked cookies for the holidays with the whole family over
we have sent out and received sweet notes and beautiful cards from our loved ones
we have delighted in old friends and family
and experienced much joy in our lives because of the children we love
and because of the people in this world who give us hope.

Like the people helping refugees from Syria to arrive on the shores of Greece.
Like the people working to end our world’s dependency on fossil fuels.
Like the people seeking out homeless people and bringing them food.
Like the friends and neighbors moving fallen branches off of the roads,
and for slowing down a little to say hello, to offer prayers, to love.
Thank you for all you do to shine light, warmth, and grace into this world.

Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Solstice. Happy Everything.
May your wells be filled with water and your heart with abundant joy this season.





An Abundance of Water — No Comments

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